Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kahuna 306 Cant Finish

I have not written up a kahuna hash in a while. Over the last couple weeks there have been some great ones and some quirky runs but last night was as quirky as can be. And that is good thing.

The Hungry Tiger 2 is a classic vegan dive bar and for a weird wrinkle in the jet stream I had never been there. I will go back soon.

Pabst Smear indicated this would have a Canadian theme due to Soft Wood visiting from that big Country that sits on top of us. Cant Finish did not miss a beat.

The trail was pretty much a pavement pounder that included a False Beer Near. Can't Finish laid a BN in the cemetery and there was no beer near thus the term False Beer check. We found limp valentine balloons on a gravestone and many dead ends. (Sorry for the dreadful pun)The beer only appeared another mile away in Laurelhurst Park. We took a long time drinking 24 ounce cans of Genesee. Boy they tasted good. it was the first time I met Banana something and boy does he have some stories to tell. Two Buck F*ck (classic hash name) encouraged us to drink more.

Kahuna has never been the crazy party hash but the mood tonight was classic. The second beer check was another false of sorts as it had no beer. Keeping with the theme there was a massive bottle of Canadian Mist. (Dammit my uncle Bobby used to drink that stuff like crazy and he is no longer with us) but I believe we finished that off also. Two beer checks at a Kahuna is a splendid rarity. Touche. I blame Buster Hyman for that.

Village idiot made a bald faced entrance back into hashing and he encourage many of us to drink more than we usually do. Rubbing his chrome dome seemed to make everybody feel good.

We literally stumbled back to the CantFinish Lair. He had food for everybody and once again the beer flowed freely as we were back to socialized drinking with long lines for health care. We corralled Soft Wood to do religion and "Aye" he pulled it off perfectly.

Kudos to Cant Finish for a classic FusterCluck on Feist's birthday.

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