Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tale of Two Shitties
Two Seperate Hashes at One Place in Two Weeks

"It was the best of trails, it was the worst of trails; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of drunkenness; it was the epoch of disbelief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was not the season of Bud-Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the end of  the spring of hope, it was the downdown of despair; we had true trail before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to the OnIn, we were all going the other way."

Charles Dickens was a Hasher
Both Hashes started at Breakside Brewery, 820 NE Dekum Street, 97211.

323 - Barnacle Box -Strap on Lad -This was the Tumbleweed hash. What started out as a smallish pack, slowly and surely picked up hashers along the way. Cherry Picker was found while drinking forties under a railroad bridge. Scrotum Roter (see photo), joined the masses after a knock on his door,  (Much like the TV show Three's company) and Pussy LePew just stumbled into the pack completely by accident. Also Rear Entry and DoubleMint Cum hosted an imprompteu beer check in their back yard.

The trail was easy pickings for the intellegent masses. Trail was well marked almost bordering on easy.  This was truly hashing for idiots and this band of idiots mastered it with grace and beauty.

Then we hashed the following week in the same exact place with different results. The hash went kind of like this.  If this is hard to read it supposed to be.

324 - Rear Entry and DoubleMintCum

The Trail



Off the charts with great and ample food.  A nice visit from brothers from the North that being Chester ClusterF*ck and DeepThroat.

Chester on missing trail do to a broken ankle. "I am glad those two set such a FusterCluck. It makes me be proud to be whom I am.  Roofie the Red Nosed Bimbo led religion and it didn't seem like her first time at all.

I have no idea who drank the Miller64s.

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